1. From the normal Down Dog Pose, lift your left leg up in the air. 2. Once you are stable, begin to shift your weight into your left hand and right leg. 3. Pick your right hand up from off the ground. You have 3…
Wide Grip Lat Pulldown
Sit down on a pull-down machine with a wide bar attached to the top pulley. Make sure that you adjust the knee pad of the machine to fit your height. These pads will prevent your body from being raised by the resistance attached to the…
Underhand Cable Pulldowns
Sit down on a pull-down machine with a wide bar attached to the top pulley. Adjust the knee pad of the machine to fit your height. These pads will prevent your body from being raised by the resistance attached to the bar. Grab the pull-down…
Straight Arm Pulldown
You will start by grabbing the wide bar from the top pulley of a pulldown machine and using a wider than shoulder-width pronated (palms down) grip. Step backwards two feet or so. Bend your torso forward at the waist by around 30-degrees with your arms…
Side Lying Floor Stretch (Stretch)
First lie on your left side, bending your left knee in front of you to stabilize your torso (use your abdominal muscles as well to hold you upright). Straighten your right leg and rest the right foot on the floor behind your left. Straighten your…
Rope Straight Arm Pulldown
Attach a rope to a high pulley and make your weight selection. Stand a couple feet back from the pulley with your feet staggered and take the rope with both hands. Lean forward from the hip, keeping your back straight, with your arms extended up…
Pull Ups (Wide Grip)
Take a wide grip on a pull-up bar, hanging freely with your arms extended. This will be your starting position. Pull yourself up by flexing the elbows and adducting the glenohumeral joint. Do not swing or use momentum to complete the movement. Attempt to get…
Pull Ups (Neutral Grip)
Take a neutral grip on parallel pull-up bars, hanging freely with your arms extended. This will be your starting position. Pull yourself up by flexing the elbows and extending the glenohumeral joint. Do not swing or use momentum to complete the movement. Attempt to get…
Pull Up (Machine Assisted)
Use an assisted pull-up machine or securely attach a heavy-duty band to a pull-up station, securing it around just one knee. The tension should be taut enough to pull that lower leg up. Grasp the bar with an overhand grip just outside shoulder width and…
Overhead Slam
Hold a medicine ball with both hands and stand with your feet at shoulder width. This will be your starting position. Initiate the countermovement by raising the ball above your head and fully extending your body. Reverse the motion, slamming the ball into the ground…