GREAT Morning Friends!
The inner work is more important than anything. Get to know yourself. Upgrade your mind and body. Once you’re connected, the outside aligns.” – Unknown
The week between Christmas and New Year’s Day is a precious and meaningful one if you choose for it to be so. Most people put projects or purchases on hold until the New Year, and little gets done in the business world.
As much as you can, use this week for purposes other than business. Personally, I intend to clean out the clutter that builds up around my apartment, delete old apps off my phone, and take care of my brand new Frenchie puppy, Hendrix; I’ll think about and envision next year’s goals and intentions; I’ll connect with friends and family; and I’ll meditate and exercise daily. I go in instead of out. As a result, I’ll feel better and re-fuel my mind and energy for the New Year. Remember, pulling back from incessant activity does not defeat your business success, it enhances it.
Use this period as an opportunity to surrender. Put your phone away. Stay home, relax, read, write, create, and simply be. There are not many occasions throughout the year when we are given a moment to pause. What a gift this is!
In a world hell-bent on doing, this week offers a pleasant opportunity for being. Remember, we are not Human Doings, we are Human Beings. How would you use this week for quiet joy, reflection, vision, and connection with loved ones? Remember, your time is precious. This week is precious. Use it to strengthen your inner self.
Enjoy what comes of today, friends!
*Inspiration for today’s message came from A Daily Dose of Sanity, by Alan Cohen, a 5 minute Soul Recharge for every day of the year.*
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