AMAZING Morning Everybody!
Here are your 3 golden nuggets for the week:
- “In the long run, it will not be our bank accounts that will be remembered, but the kindness we have given and received.” – Alan Cohen
This past weekend, I had the pleasure of staying with a friend I met while at a Yoga Retreat in Costa Rica. He is one of the most generous, kind, and compassionate people I have ever met. It was not until the last day of the retreat that I found out this man not only teaches yoga; he is the CEO and Co-Founder of a $50m+ Biotech Startup in the Bay Area. This Stanford Grad has every legitimate reason to be cocky, self-centered, & egotistical and yet, he is on the complete opposite side of the spectrum. He understands that the way we treat others is far more important than the cars we drive and the money we make. Kindness, empathy, and love trump material acquisition, always.
- “Whether I am accepted or rejected right now, the person whose job it is to cherish me is me.” – Unknown
This one really hit home for me. There have been many times in my life where I attached my value or self-worth to the outcome of a big proposal, presentation, football game or exam. There is nothing wrong with aspiring to be successful. The problem arises when we get so caught up in the act of “winning” that we let these desires control our emotional states. You are not your wins. You are not your losses. You are the effort you put in and the intention that you set for each of your endeavors. There is no such thing as failure, only feedback. Focus on the feedback. Go be great.
- “That which strikes the shell does not harm the pearl.” – Rumi
There are two core human emotions: love and fear. I believe fear to be illusory. Therefore, the only “real” emotion is love. Nothing can tyrannize our hearts unless we let it. Often, I overhear others say “he makes me angry” or “she stresses me out.” However, nobody can actually make you “feel” angry or stressed. Rather, your emotional reaction to others is the primary source of anger and stress. Damage to the Ego does no harm to the Spirit within. Our higher self remains unharmed even when our shells become battered and bruised.
With Gratitude,