Hey Everybody!
Starting today, every Thursday, I will offer up three useful thoughts, tips, quotes, or ideas that I have come across during the week. Hoping these resonate with you just as much as they did with me!
- “Growth is not always getting what we want. It’s about becoming the men and women we have the potential to be. Loving, pure, honest, and clear.”
Substantial growth lies in flowing with the events of life. When something is going “wrong”, hold some space for the opportunity that something bigger might be going right! So the next time you face a bit of adversity, smile! You are better for it.
- “Fulfillment has less to do with external conditions and more to do with what makes your heart sing.”
In other words, true fulfillment is generated by doing things we are passionate about! No amount of material items will ever fulfill us more than the times where we get completely lost in flow state, fervently doing something we love and are excited about.
- “Creation is an extension of thought. Think lack, and you get lack. Think abundance and you get more.”
The first step to accomplishing anything is first believing that you have the ability to do so! Self-limiting thoughts of lack or fear only serve to hold us back. Believe in yourself!
Enjoy the rest of your Thursday!