PERFECT Morning Everybody!
“Why do you stay in prison, when the door is wide open?” – Rumi
Last Friday, I felt really shitty for no apparent reason. I could barely get out of bed, didn’t want to talk to anybody and was drained of energy. The next day, I felt great! I hopped right out of bed, taught a bunch of yoga classes, and was full of energy!
No matter how well or how terrible your day might be going, take peace in the fact that it will soon pass. As humans, we tend to grasp on to the pleasurable experiences while simultaneously averting everything that doesn’t go our way or that makes us feel uncomfortable. And, while we cannot always choose our present set of circumstances, we DO have the power to choose how we respond to them. When negative emotions arise, we run. What if I told you that the only way to rid ourselves of negative emotions is to be still, turn inward and let ourselves feel those sensations with openness and curiosity? By focusing on the physical feeling within our bodies rather than the thought that caused the feeling, we give the thought (and the feeling) permission to run its course. Conversely, resisting negative emotions only serves to strengthen these undesirable feelings. We ALWAYS have the Power to choose how we respond to adversity. This Power is found in the present moment.
Impermanence is the only constant. All emotions are temporary. They will come and go, good and bad, in a matter of minutes. Understand this, and do not give too much weight to one emotion or feeling. Understand that this too shall pass.
Enjoy what comes of today!