GREAT Morning Everybody!
Here are your 3 golden nuggets for the week:
- “There is nothing wrong with you.” – Unknown
If you are somebody who has suffered from anxiety, stress, depression, mental or physical abuse, read that again. The majority of our suffering is self-inflicted and rooted in self-judgment. If you are consistently dissatisfied with everything you do, you become your own punching bag. On a deeper level, you are already complete. Once you realize this, there becomes a joyous energy behind everything you do! Our time on this planet is limited and we have no idea when it is going to end! You have a pulse right now, and it’s your choice what you do with it. Go Live!
- “Whatever makes you uncomfortable is your biggest opportunity for growth.” – Bryant McGill
The effort is takes to grow out of painful patterns or habits often feels more uncomfortable than remaining within them. Personal growth can be painful because it can make us feel ashamed and humiliated to face our own darkness. However, the goal of personal growth is the journey out of destructive emotional patterns that cause us pain to those that cultivate peace and prosperity.
- “When one’s expectations are reduced to zero, one really appreciates everything one does have.” – Stephen Hawking
Unmet expectations are the source of suffering. How do you react when a coworker lets you down in a meeting or your best friend cancels plans with you last minute? Most of us get highly annoyed and frustrated in such situations. This is largely because we assume people should think and act like us. Realizing and embracing this innate trait of self-centeredness can lead us to claim happiness and peace for our souls! As social-beings, we are dependent on others. This dependency leads to expectations which when not met bruises and wounds us putting countless dents on our inner-self. I am convinced that like happiness, compassion is always a function of lowered expectations or standards. We are happier to accept other people’s difficult behaviors when we expect less from them. Reality is perfect in its simplest form. The way it is. If you try to mold it your way, it will lead to blockages in your relationships, making you feel unnatural and constantly agitated. So roll with it. Accept and embrace unexpected circumstances and disappointing situations as opportunities to practice the arts of patience and presence.
With Gratitude,