Good Morning Everybody,
As I am sure everybody is aware, there has been quite a bit of change going on in the world, and probably in each and every one of your lives! Rather than touching on the specifics, I would like to touch on the importance & necessity of change and the positive impact it can have on one’s life!
The great Jim Rohn once said “Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.” In order for each and every one of us to grow, we must first change. For example, if I weigh 200 pounds and I want to drop to 180, I cannot get there without change. This means changing my eating habits, my daily routines, and even my weekend festivities. If I am a Manager who has been getting horrible reviews on all of my jobs, but I want to make Partner one day, I must change the specific activity patterns that are resulting in me receiving horrible reviews so that I can become a more valuable asset to the Firm.
Conversely, there are times when change is imposed upon us, involuntarily. This may come in the form of a broken leg, a divorce/ended relationship, or a sudden career change. When this occurs, we have three different options on how to respond. We can either 1) complain about said change and express how unfair it is that it happened to us, 2) ignore said change, tuck it down deep, and focus on other areas of life to distract us from dealing with it, or 3) accept said change, adapt to our new circumstance(s) and use said change to help better our lives. If you haven’t already figured out, I highly recommend choosing option 3. Maybe that broken leg put you out of work for a few weeks, and now you get to spend the much needed time with your family whom you feel you have neglected over the past few months. Maybe that heart-wrenching breakup abruptly set you on the path to meet the woman/man of your dreams. And maybe, just maybe, that sudden career change set you up for the dream job you have been searching for your entire life. Personally, I can relate to all three of these situations & I can honestly say I came out the other side, a better man than I was before. The key here is to drastically modify our perspective!
In conclusion, when hit with a sudden and involuntary change, I encourage each and every one of you to give option 3 a try!
I will end on this: “Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”
- George Bernard Shaw
Have a terrific day my GetFit Gang!