AMAZING Morning Everybody!
Here are your 3 golden nuggets for the week:
- “When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside can do us no harm.” – African Proverb
When you cultivate a strong mind, there is nobody that can defeat you with their words or judgements. There will be times when you have to battle what seems like an army in your own head. An army of doubt, fear of failure, fear of judgment, lack of belief. Your own thoughts will cause you more pain than anyone or anything. However, when you learn to control and direct your mind through meditation or making time for silence, you can direct that internal voice to work for you, rather than against you. If you want it to work for you, fill it up with knowledge, positivity, goals, and direction. Set your life up to win, and you will win.
- “The need for certainty is the greatest disease the mind faces.” – Robert Greene, Mastery
In the midst of making a big decision, we tend to overanalyze all possible outcomes, in hope of eliminating all negative consequences of making said decision. This destructive trait causes paralysis, prevents success, and freezes us from making any decision at all. Keep in mind, “you cannot find anything new if you are unwilling to leave the shore.”
- “Creativity and adaptability are inseparable.” – Robert Greene, Mastery
In a time of technological advances and increasing complexity, we must use creativity to adapt to shifting patterns of life and work. This requires replacing old archaic systems with more advanced, integrated ideas. In many professions, it is clear that our current systems need to be re-molded to better suit current and future contexts. In order to thrive during modern times, we need a mindset that is very flexible, yet balanced. A mindset that when faced with enormous challenges can bend into shape, go into the problem and work out a solution from within the confines of the challenge. Like yoga for the mind. For this, we need to be fully present and aware, not only of our own state of consciousness, but what’s going on around us too.
Make TODAY Your Masterpiece!