GREAT Morning Everybody!
“There must be more to life than increasing its speed.” – Gandhi
Over the last couple months, I have flown on more than a dozen planes. I have been looking forward to an entire week spent at home, in my own space. While the idea of being home with an extended period of down time is appealing on the surface, during said downtime – I have found myself frenetically in search of the next big project. Many of us (myself included) have developed a hypersensitivity to empty time – driving us to fill every moment with something in a desperate attempt to avoid the discomfort of boredom. However, did you know that a little bit of downtime can lead to a healthier, happier, and more productive life?!
I am addicted to achievement, to gold stars, to doing, to constantly performing at peak level, but it is only through the art of slowing down that we give our bodies, minds, and souls a chance to refuel, regenerate, and reenergize! Downtime provides us a chance to engage in self-reflection which can help us identify the unfulfilling patterns and bad habits in our lives. Sometimes by slowing down, we go farther.
For many of us, the sound of our morning alarm is like a starting pistol. We jet out of bed, race through our routine, and fly out the door. Between commitments and tasks, appointments and meetings, the average day can feel like a sprint. What’s more, we are told the faster we go, the more we get done. Eventually, this impossible-to-maintain pace leaves us feeling stressed, overwhelmed and rundown.
What is the use of running in any direction unless the journey is in harmony with the destination?
When we rush mindlessly without taking time for ourselves, we can miss details, make mistakes, and fail to enjoy the process. By slowing down, we attain greater clarity, harness the power of emotion, and make better decisions! More importantly, a gradual pace allows us to savor each step along the journey.
So for the rest of this week – limit your social media time, put your phone on do not disturb for a few hours and embrace the Art of waiting! This will allow you to check in with your pace as you bring attention to the tempo of your movements, heart rate, and breath. If you feel a rushed tension, slow your breath, and quiet your thoughts. Bring full awareness to the pleasure of whatever you find yourself doing. Whether sending an e-mail, lying down on your bed or watching a sunset, BE in that moment as best you can.
The beauty of life is right where you are. Remember to enjoy the journey.
Enjoy what comes of today!
With Gratitude,