PERFECT Morning Everybody!
Here are your 3 golden nuggets for the week:
- “Perhaps the most indispensable tool for human beings in modern times is the ability to remain calm in the midst of rapid and unsettling changes.” – Timothy Gallwey, The Inner Game of Tennis
As we head back to work after the holidays, it is imperative we keep this quote close to our hearts. Write it down, type it, print it, post it in your cubicle, office, or at home! Understand that the only moment we truly possess is the present. Anxiety stemming from thoughts of the future and depression stemming from thoughts of the past take us out of the present moment and hurl us into an altered state, lowering our vibrations and overall sense of well-being. Exercise, meditation, walking the dog and any other activities that allow us to get lost in flow are all tools we can utilize to remain cool in the midst of chaos!
- “We must discipline ourselves to do what we NEED to do so that at a later time, we can do what we WANT to do! – Tony Dungy, The One Year Uncommon Life
This quote reminds me of the mass amount of self-discipline I had to generate in order to pass the CPA Exam! I get it. Nobody wants to sit in a room on a Saturday and study for countless hours when it is 78 degrees, sunny, and all of your friends are outside having the time of their lives. However, sacrificing short-term joy for long-term success, progression, and prosperity is necessary if we plan to achieve anything worth value in this life. So, the next time you are torn between getting up out of bed and hitting that SNOOZE button, remember: hard work must be put in by your present-self in order to evolve and strengthen your future-self!
- “The greatest stress you go through when dealing with a difficult person is not fueled by the words or actions of this person – it is fueled by your mind that gives their words and actions importance.” – Marc Chernoff
Dealing with difficult or stubborn people is cumbersome for most. Rather than getting worked up over another’s actions or words, pause, and re-frame the experience in a way that you cultivate gratitude for being in a position to flex your patience, compassion, and empathy muscles! Every difficult person we interact with represents an opportunity to strengthen our emotional intelligence and awareness. Stay positive when negativity surrounds you. Smile when others refuse to. These are simple ways to make a difference in the world around you.
In Gratitude,