Great Afternoon Everybody!
This week’s tip involves the concept of time and includes information and tips on prioritizing tasks and people in our lives.
Have you ever asked somebody to help you with something and their response is “I don’t have time?!” I am sure we all have. And conversely, I can guarantee we all have also given the aforementioned answer to similar requests of us. BUT [prepare yourself], the truth is that we are all given the exact same amount of time each and every day! Everybody is blessed with 24 hours, 1,440 minutes, 86,400 seconds per day! We ALL “HAVE TIME“, it is just a matter of how WE choose to utilize that time!
Let me give you an example: It’s busy season, you’re working 12-15 hour days and a friend asks you to pick her up from the airport at noon. You probably respond, politely stating you are extremely busy and have no time to accommodate her request. Totally Understandable. Now let’s change the scenario: your friend asks you to pick her up from the airport and offers you $1,000 dollars for helping her out. The incentive she offers in the second scenario almost certainly shifted your list of priorities that day, and moved her new request to the top of the list.
Point of the story is this: we all have time, and it is just a matter of how high certain tasks and people in our lives are on our priority list.
If getting up early, and exercising is high on your priority list, try setting your workout clothes out, packing your lunch, and getting your work clothes ready the night before so that you can’t develop an excuse not to get after it in the morning.
If family is important to you and you want to make them higher on the priority list, set reminders in your phone to give them a call a few times a week to check-in and catch up on anything new or exciting.
If you are constantly on your phone or trying to get better sleep and are looking to decrease your social media or texting activity, set your phone to do not disturb and do not go on your phone about an hour before bed so that you can calm the mind and ensure your brain gets the hint it is time to relax. The blue light on our phone is absolutely horrible to look at before it is time for bed and can make it harder to get to sleep & cause an overall decreased quality of sleep.
We are ALL busy, but we must not neglect proper prioritization, both inside and outside of work. Keep this in mind over the next few days/weeks/months, and watch as your perspective on how much “time” you actually have shift dramatically.