AMAZING Morning Everybody!
Here is this week’s edition of Three Thought Thursday:
- “Hurry up and fail.” – Tim Kennedy
Failure is often a difficult pill to swallow. We feel angry, humiliated and defeated when we make mistakes or do not succeed. Failure tests you in many ways. It forces you to rethink your strategies and ideas and develop resilience and persistence in the face of adversity or opposition. Remember, it is those qualities that help lead you to greater success! So the next time you are at the gym or working on a big project, I encourage you to hurry up and fail for it is through failure that we find victory.
- “He who cannot rest, cannot work; he who cannot let go, cannot hold on.” – Harry Emerson Fosdick
We must learn how to launch and release! During a launch phase, you do everything in your power to bring your vision to life. You aim high, make contracts, take action, and accept responsibility for creating your desired results. Then, when you have done everything you can, it is time to release. Let go, knowing you have done your part. Trust that if this project is in your best interest and in the best interest of others, it will fly. Many of us are so used to lunching that we forget to release. Yet letting go is the exact action required to win!
- “To heal the body is to heal the mind.” – Susanne Babbel
If any of you went to the Lunch N Learn yesterday on sugar, you know exactly what I mean here. Our gut acts as our second brain! There are now studies that indicate the health of our gut has direct influence over our emotional state. By choosing the proper nutrients and foods to put into our body, we can quite literally eat our way to happiness.
Enjoy what comes of today!