PERFECT Morning Everybody!
Here are your 3 golden nuggets for the week!
- “You will always find evidence for what you choose to believe.” – Emily Fletcher
Whether you think you can or cannot do something, you’re right. The power of the mind is stronger than one might think! For example, if one chooses to skip the gym, one will find evidence to thoroughly support this choice. Perhaps there is more work to be done at the office, muscles are sore, or maybe the workout clothes were forgotten at home. All valid points. Conversely, the individual who sets the intention of going to the gym after work might stop at home to grab his or her workout clothes or believes the benefits of 60 minutes of exercise trumps the 15th hour of unmotivated work in the office & mild muscle soreness. Us humans are inherently driven beings. Are you driven towards excellence or mediocrity?
- “Before you speak ask yourself if what you are going to say is true, is kind, is necessary. If the answer is no, maybe what you are about to say should be left unsaid.” – Bernard Meltzer
When involved in conflict, I always ask myself this question before responding to my counterpart. This serves as a great self-monitoring tool and has the potential to save us tons of unnecessary angst and ineffective engagement on the front end!
- “Gratitude is the wine of the soul. Go on. Get Drunk!” – Rumi
The human brain thinks roughly 60,000 thoughts per day. Approximately 90% of these thoughts are negative. The practice of gratitude quite literally re‐wires one’s brain by shifting perspective and allowing oneself to tap into the awesomeness that is interwoven within all situations, circumstances, and events. This contributes to increased productivity, creativity and mood through improved mental health and happiness. Take some time today and jot down 5 things you are grateful for on a sticky note. Post this sticky note somewhere you will see it often to remind yourself how sweet life actually is!
With Gratitude,